Uber Car Accident Attorney

Charlotte Uber Accident Attorney - What Should I Do After Being Hurt In An Uber Accident?
If you have been involved in an Ubur car accident, the attorneys at Tippens & Zurosky can help. Rideshare programs and apps are incredibly popular in Charlotte, and throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Ridesharing companies such as Uber are fantastic options for commuters as they are more flexible than public transportation like buses in terms of pick up times and the route of travel. Uber can help you get to and from your destination without the hassle of driving. But, travelling via Uber does come with some potential risks to you as the passenger. You have no way to know how experienced your Uber driver is, what their driving record is, and how many accidents they have been in before. The Uber driver also wants to get a good rating, and a nice tip, from you, which usually means getting you to your destination as fast as possible. Getting you where you are going quickly may result in your Uber driver making some unsafe driving decisions, such as speeding, running a red light, or failing to yield the right of way.
So, what happens if your Uber driver is involved in an accident during your trip? And, what can you do if you are hurt in the accident while riding with your Uber driver, whether it is his, or her, fault, or not. Depending on the specific facts of the automobile accident involving your Uber driver, you may need to take action against the Uber driver’s insurance, or another negligent party. If your Uber driver is not negligent, and you are seriously injured, you still may need to file a claim for underinsured benefits under the Uber underinsured policy.
What Insurance Coverage Is Available to Me If My Uber Driver Is In An Accident?
Uber drivers are independent contractors driving a vehicle Uber does not own. But, unlike taxi drivers, and bus drivers, they are not subject to strict safety and experience regulations. When an Uber driver has the Uber app turned on, but does not have an active ride, they are insured on their own personal insurance plan. So, if you were travelling in your own personal vehicle and were hit by an Uber driver that doesn’t have an active ride, they are also insured on their own personal insurance plan. However, if an Uber driver is available or waiting for a ride request, Uber maintains the following auto insurance in case of a covered accident for Third-party liability if the Uber driver’s personal auto insurance doesn’t apply.
- $50,000 in bodily injury per person
- $100,000 in bodily injury per accident
- $25,000 in property damage per accident
Once a ride is accepted, Uber’s $1,000,000 liability and uninsured/underinsured insurance coverage is active. Uber’s coverage extends to when the Uber driver terminates the ride. Conflicts can arise where the driver’s personal insurance company and Uber both deny coverage for an accident. Conflicts can also arise when Uber and another third-party insurance company both deny coverage for an accident. While Uber is a convenient service, and on that is easy to use with a simple tap on your phone, automobile accidents in Charlotte and throughout North Carolina and South Carolina involving Uber vehicles can be quite complicated.
For answers to these and many other questions concerning legal issues with ride-sharing services, contact the Charlotte rideshare accident attorneys at Tippens & Zurosky. Our knowledgeable team is well-versed in emerging technologies such as Uber, and how they may impact your life. Call 877-872-3580 to schedule a consultation today.