Charlotte Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Tippens & Zurosky Are Here to Help.
We often get calls from people that have been injured on the job that are proceeding pro se, which means without an attorney representing them. Workers’ compensation law is incredibly detailed and whether a case is denied, or accepted as compensable by an insurance company, or self-insured employer, often turns on the interpretation of these details. Often, we see claims that should be accepted, denied by an insurance company because of their interpretation of the facts. Without an attorney that specializes in workers’ compensation, an injured worker may just give up. It doesn’t have to be that way!
Hiring a skilled attorney to fight for you is just like hiring any other professional to do any other specialized job. You wouldn’t try to diagnose your own medical condition, or do surgery on a family member. You also would not likely try to fly a commercial airliner, drive a tank, or pilot a cruise ship. We all have different skill sets in the occupations we have chosen. Make the right choice and retain a workers’ compensation attorney to help you!
Tippens & Zurosky has knowledgeable, experienced attorneys who can fight for your rights in North Carolina and South Carolina, during this often long and difficult workers’ compensation process. Call us toll-free at 877-372-3580, or at 704-343-0018, for a free consultation. Let us help you!