
Driving Tired Is a Main Cause Of Accidents In North Carolina and South Carolina

Driving Tired Is a Main Cause Of Accidents In North Carolina and South Carolina

In today’s day and age, many drivers in North Carolina and South Carolina have a difficult time getting a good night’s sleep.  Tired drivers can be just as dangerous to share the road with as drivers that have consumed alcohol, or used drugs.  Tired drivers can also be just as dangerous to share the road with as drivers that are distracted by texting, eating, reading, or using social media.  Not getting enough sleep can do more than just effect a person’s ability to drive.  Lack of sleep can increase the aging process, lower a person’s immune system, impair memory, and contribute to depression.  The reality of the matter is that when a person is sleep deprived they are literally not themselves.

Many drivers that you are sharing the road with are exposed to too much artificial light in the form of computer screens, phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.  The human body has an internal clock that relies on the rising and the setting of the sun to regulate sleep patterns.  Artificial light from devices can wreak havoc with the body’s natural ability to regulate its own sleep patterns.  So, if a person habitually stays up late watching television, or playing video games, or using social media, there is a good chance that they may develop an interruption in their sleep patterns that turns them into a tired driver.  Driving while tired slows down your reflexes, and inhibits your judgment, thus making you more likely to cause an accident, and less likely to avoid one happening in front of you!  Interestingly enough, there is an increase in car accidents following the nationwide switch to Daylight Savings Time.  The facts are that it does not take much to turn a person from a focused driver to one that is sleep deprived, and thus dangerously driving while tired.

So, if you know that you have a long drive ahead, or even if it is just your normal work day, the experts say to shut down those devices at least an hour before bedtime.  Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and keep the bedroom at cooler temperatures as a cooler body sleeps better.  We all owe it to our fellow drivers that we share the road with to be rested, and not a hazard because of lack of sleep.  Take care of your own sleep health, and the other drivers on the road, and don’t engage in driving while tired!

Tippens & Zurosky has represented people involved in auto accidents and hurt on the job, in North Carolina and South Carolina for over twenty years.  Let us help you deal with the unexpected, and get your life back on track.  Call us toll free at (877) 372-3580, or 704-343-0018 to schedule a consultation so that we may assist you


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Why Should I Call Tippens & Zurosky? 704-343-0018

Our legal fee is a percentage of your case settlement.  Unlike domestic, or criminal, lawyers, who work on a nonrefundable retainer, there is only a legal fee if we are able to negotiate a settlement on your behalf.

Insurance companies set what is called a reserve for every claim. A reserve is simply the amount of money they think they are going to have to pay to settle your claim. Naturally, if an attorney is involved the reserve is generally set higher to account for the fact that the attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf, and litigate the claim.

We are in the business of dealing with insurance companies, so let us talk to them on your behalf. Insurance adjusters are trained to help save their companies money, and sometimes this is at your expense. Let’s face it if an insurance company can find a way to not pay on a claim, they are going to do so. It’s good business for them and bad news for you.

Many people injured in automobile accidents or injured at work are afraid to get medical treatment because they are afraid that they are going to get stuck with the bill.  We can analyze your case for any risk of denial, and also refer you to chiropractic physicians that will not charge you upfront for their services, and will wait to get paid at the end of the case.

Whether you were on a motorcycle, were a pedestrian, or in a car, we can help you.  We handle rear-end collisions, head-on collisions, intersection, or right-of-way cases, drunk driving, or reckless driving cases, and every other type of automobile accident.  Also, if you were in an auto accident while on the job, we can take care of this for you.

Though our main office is in Charlotte, North Carolina, we represent people injured in automobile accidents that occur all over North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Calling Tippens & Zurosky as quickly as you can after you have been involved in an automobile accident, lets us file your claim with the insurance company, so you don’t have to speak with them.  The sooner we can get involved, the sooner we are able to protect your rights, preserve the evidence, and get you the medical treatment you need.

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorneys: The System

With our law firm, the client always comes first and we employ our knowledge of the law to protect our clients’ interests. Our office is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. We serve clients in North Carolina and South Carolina and across the United States.

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